Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Sort search results by tag?


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  • Anonymous

    First: Thanks for an amazing plugin. I can’t believe how many useful settings there are!

    Question: I’d like to sort the search results first by tag, then by title. Any advice about how to go about that? (Not filter by tag, but sort by tag.)

    Thanks for your help!


    That is not possible, as we do not support sorting by taxonomies. The reason is that you can have multiple tags (and category/taxonomy) on posts, and which term would we use to sort on?

    A sort requires a single value field, so some custom fields this can be done on (not ones that can have multiple values). Be aware that if there is no value for a taxonomy/custom field the post will be omitted from the results entirely.


    A thorough and super useful answer, thank you! I’m new to WP and didn’t register the fact that the taxonomies were multi-value. Sorting on a new single-value select field did the trick. Double (!!) thanks for anticipating that I’d be lost when all the existing content disappeared from search results. You saved me from much distress, and lead me to an easy fix.

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