Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Sort order not working

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  • Anonymous

    I am trying to sort by name or slug for alpha sort of my posts. I am using AJAX with shortcode and it is not sorting the posts. I have tried this in the form advanced options several times. Please let me know if this is something that should work or if it is in the process of being fixed. Thank you.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Colette

    Are you using a “sort order” field? This is currently the only way you can sort your psots.

    It sounds like what you are referring to is the advanced options section of categories, tags or taxonomy fields…

    If this is the case, this “sorting” is not for your posts but the terms names in your field. For example, if I had a category field, which is displayed as a dropdown, I could choose to sort the items in the dropdown alphabetically – but this would not affect the search results themselves.



    Can I add to the lopp in my results.php file? Do you have any suggestions for this implementation?

    	while ($query->have_posts())
    Ross Moderator

    Hey Colette

    Do you mean so that you are able to set the initial sorting of your results?

    If this is the case, this is an update I plan to release this week and you should be able to change this via the settings panel ๐Ÿ™‚



    Yes! That is awesome, just what I need to set initial results sort by title:) Yay!!!

    Ross Moderator


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Colette

    This is now live in an update today (1.3.0) ๐Ÿ™‚



    This works awesome, thank you!!!

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