Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Sort order doesn’t work

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  • Anonymous

    That sort order should work, so it is likely that the theme, another plugin, or some code you might have in the theme functions.php file is affecting the sort order in our query. Typically they would be using the WordPress pre_get_posts() function.

    If you have any plugin that enables you to drag and drop catgoris, taxonomies, posts etc, such as the plugin Post Types Order, that would be the cause.


    Thank you, now it’s working.
    here to see the application online

    I have other 2 problem, I want to allign all dimensions of search, dropdow ecc. of Search&Filter plugin that you can see in the same page.

    The second point is, I want to sort results also with a taxonomy field but I don’t see this option, could you help me?

    Thank you


    Last question, I add the pagination in your plugin but I’ll lose the order or the filter if I’ll see the second page. Let me know which configuration I need to apply.

    Here the configuration
    Thank you


    Good morning,
    I want to summarise all issue:

    1. Pagination
    like you can see in the page I add a pagination with your plugin. It doesn’t work, probably it’s my error of configuration, here the screenshot . When I change the page I lose the sort order and the filter. Please let me know how to fix it.

    2. Order sort
    I want to sort results also with a taxonomy field but I don’t see this option, Could be possible?

    3. Stye of the Search and Filter
    I want to allign all dimensions of search, dropdow ecc. of Search&Filter plugin that you can see in . At moment the dimensions are variable related to the data inside the field. I want to fix them.

    4. Category
    I want to create category page and the layout will be like To open this category page I will use link in the menu. Could I configure a url parameters to setup the Filter and open the same page with filter pre-selected?


    1. See this screenshot:

    The URL must be a FULL URL, i.e. https://justwine/negozio/

    2. If data terms are stored as a taxonomy (product category is a taxonomy), they cannot be sorted, as taxonomy data are stored as serialized data (multiple terms, like an array) per post (which term in the array would you sort by?). Even if only one term per post is used, WordPress still stores them like this.

    You would need to make a custom field (using a plugin like Advanced Custom Fields or a similar plugin) and allocate a value you can sort by, but, be warned, if a post does not have a value in this field, then it will not appear at all in the results if you use the field to order by. Custom fields can store data as single values or serialized data, so only those fields set to store the data as single values can be sorted.

    3. Other than the search box, they all appear to be the same width? Can you show me, with one or more annotated screenshot(s), the design change(s) you want? This is what I see:

    4. You can make a duplicate form and use the Elementor Posts Archive widget instead. The instructions are at the bottom of the guide page:

    The major difference is that the form uses the Post Type Archives or WooCommerce display results methods, and you would …

    1. Set autodetect category/taxonomy:

    2. And also set ‘Enable filtering on Taxonomy Archives’:

    Then, you must add the Product Category or taxonomy to the form.


    1. Pagination
    Unfortunatly doesn’t work with your modification. Checck the bottle Bellavista is present in every page, the product is reapeted in every page.
    Do I need to insert somthing in “Infinite scroll Container” or “Post/Result Selector”?

    2. Order sort
    I want to use the same taxonomy “Producer” that is used in the filter above Sort. But in the filter I can choice this taxonomy and in the order sort no.

    3. At moment I reduced the dimension with the smaller that is the Sorter. If I increase the space like I want, all dimensions are different.

    4. I’m using Post type Archive with plugin “Ele Custom Skin” (no woocommerce product archive). But I didn’t understand sorry. You suggest to duplicate “Form”, it means that if I will go in the page I will see only 1 category, correct? but it’s not what I want.
    If the visitors visit the page of the category could change it from the Filter form and see all category. the page Shop will be the same. So please let me know if it’s possible to add some parameter in the URL to active it.
    For example, if I’ll use the link below in the menu the user will open the page in the category Champagne always, is it correct?

    Than you very much


    On pagination, do you have it set to Infinite Scroll? Can you change it to normal (numbers)? And test.

    To try and keep this manageable, I think we should try to solve the issues one at a time.


    Ok, for the pagination I changed Normal (numbers). It’s online now.
    If you put a filter or sort, the pagination work
    If you will open and change page, the product start to repeat in all page. I need new product in the new page.


    Also I like the infinite Scroll effect, si I want to find a solution and come back to Infinite Scroll

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