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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Sort not working properly

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  • Renato


    I’ve noticed that sort by price not working properly on all my sites. Im using meta key (number) as sort meta value.

    Please, can you inspect the problem.

    Thank you

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    Trevor Moderator


    If I look at the page you sent, and sort by price, the first result is the Sun Odyssey 39i boat with a price of €4785 per person (also shows the same number for total price). If I edit that yacht, I do not see a field with that price. The Sort Order is set to use the meta_key wpcf-sailing-hr-price-27, but in the yacht details I can see that the price in that field is €1605??

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    Trevor Moderator
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    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    mmm. I am not understanding. On this page there are two prices for the first yacht. €798 and €4785

    Which of these two does the sort by price sort on?

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    Trevor Moderator

    Ok, so, if I edit that boat and look in Week 27 fields, which field is €4785? I do not see it?

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