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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Sort future items by ascending date order

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  • Damon Tribble

    I have created a “resource library” featuring webinars, webinar replays, ebooks, blogs and other items using search and filter pro. You can view it here:

    I am sorting by descending date. My issue is that I am also listing upcoming webinars in this grid which occur in the future. I am using a plugin which allows me to display these items even through they have a future publish date.

    Since these happen in the future, they should be listed first in the grid (which they are right now) but they should be listed in ascending date order so that the webinar which is happening next displays first.

    Is there a way to either modify the query which populates the results or somehow resort the returned posts before displaying them so that all future items appear first in ascending date order and then the other items appear next in descending date order?

    Thanks for any help you can offer.

    Trevor Moderator


    Please note that, as your license appears to have expired, you will first need to renew the license to receive support.

    If you have a license under a different account, you would need to log in to that account and add a private reply to this thread with that account so that I can tie the thread to that other account.

    I do not know if what you want is even possible, but if it is, this filter would need to be used:

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