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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Sort by Post Rating

Viewing 4 posts - 21 through 24 (of 24 total)
  • Jack Bunyan

    You can see for yourself if you try use the filter it will go white (as if it’s loading results) and the other brands etc will disappear as they should. But the products displayed don’t change.

    This makes me think that the filter is working correctly in the background, but is struggling to display the results properly

    Trevor Moderator

    It depends how long ago you built the site, but we now have a free additional extension for Elementor Pro, which you should download (if you are logged in) from top of this guide page:

    Please read the guide carefully, as the old method you had to have a filter_next_query shortcode, some javascript, and set it to custom mode, none of which are now used (all built in to the extension).

    This will require a few changes to the form and the page setup, but will work much better than the way it is currently setup.

    We cannot yet give a 100% guarantee it will work with Ele Custom Skins, but it usually does.

    I think this is the issue.

    Jack Bunyan

    This has fixed the error, Thank you very much !

    Trevor Moderator

    Thanks for letting me know. I will close this thread for now.

Viewing 4 posts - 21 through 24 (of 24 total)

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