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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Small combo box bug

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Vikki


    There’s a little bug in the combo box dropdown.

    If I search for any of the following letters n, b, s or p – the dropdown names will have an   after them.

    For example

    Search for B – results in dropdown:

    Costa Rica 

    Search for A – results in dropdown are fine:

    Costa Rica


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    Ross Moderator

    Hey Vikki

    I see what you mean, that bug was introduced fairly recently – I’ve just fixed this in the development version.

    Let me know if you want a copy later this afternoon.


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    Ross Moderator

    Hi Vikki

    I noticed I never sent you this.

    The current update still needs some testing before release – but should be stable – so I’ve emailed you this in case you were in a hurry.

    If you do decide to test it out, make a backup of the S&F files in case you need to roll back.

    Support is now closed until the 4th when I will get back on to finishing this update for official release.


    Ross Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
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