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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro slow search

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  • Gerardo Verduzco

    Hello Ross, I currently have version 2.0.1 and lately the search results page has been running extremely slow, it takes up to 60 seconds to load. I have tryied indexing the plug in, as well as Relevanssi, cleaned the caché, but still nothing has worked.

    I installed the new version 2.1 to see if maybe this was the issue, or if it came with a new feature that could speed the load but had no luck.

    Do you have any comments on how can we speed up this?

    thanks and best regards

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Gerardo

    That is alarming!

    How many posts is S&F searching? – ie the total number of posts across all the post types selected for the search form?

    The most intensive thing in S&F is “auto count” – disabling this should speed things up.


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