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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Slow load times in our pages using Search and Filter

Viewing 10 posts - 21 through 30 (of 42 total)
  • brett fielo

    Hi all! Just checking in again on your progress. Thanks for any update you can provide!

    davide notarantonio

    Hi, i updated my server to php 6, little improvement in speed but not so much as i’d hope

    Trevor Moderator


    PHP5.6 or 7? 🙁

    Ross is working on the update. Not sure how much improvement he can make though.

    davide notarantonio

    php/Perl 6, so it’s written in the update, and the previous version is 5… ok, let’s see and hope something can get better

    Trevor Moderator

    You are using Perl in WordPress?

    davide notarantonio

    The server is not mine, is a provider (

    Trevor Moderator

    So what version of PHP is running on it, and apache and mysql? Our Search & Filter Status report will tell you.

    brett fielo

    Got it, understood!

    Unfortunately at this point we do have to talk to our client. We just want to give them a more detailed response as to what’s happening. If you can provide any further information about what’s going on and what your findings are — feel free to be as technical as possible — we’d just like to provide some more detail to our client. Thanks! If it would be easier to jump on a Skype chat at some point tomorrow, that would be A-OK by us. Thank you!

    Additionally — and I do understand you have other priorities — but is there anything we can do to make this issue your top priority? I.e., payment for priority support?

    brett fielo

    Hey all! Just checking in and hoping for an update. Thanks for anything you’ve got!

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Brett

    I’m looking at this personally now.

    I’ve made some changes to the plugin which I hope improve speed – I’ll be sending this over to you EOP today I hope – however, as your situation is quite unique I can’t guarantee your load times will have improved – if this is the case, then I will need to get FTP access as well as wp-admin and do some serious debugging on your site to see if I can find the bottle neck.

    Will update later on today.


Viewing 10 posts - 21 through 30 (of 42 total)

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