Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro SKUs not showing

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  • Anonymous


    I’m having trouble with searching SKU’s in woocoomerce, it is not showing up any results.

    Is there some setting I should have enabled to make this work?


    Are you wanting to search for these in the text search box?

    Our plugin does not directly allow you to do text searches of individual Post Meta (custom fields) and Taxonomy (Category, Tags and Taxonomies) data/terms. The Search & Filter Pro Text Search field uses the standard WordPress search, so looks only in the Post Title and Content. To help you control this better, on the form’s Advanced settings tab you will see 2 settings for Relevanssi.

    The documentation for this is here:

    You would need to install and activate the free Relevanssi plugin as well.

    Then set Relevanssi up and build its index (make sure it is indexing the desired post types, custom fields AND any taxonomy that you want to search).

    A note about WooCommerce SKUs and Relevanssi:

    If you disable Search & Filter (but with Relevanssi installed and setup), and try to search the WC shop with an SKU, you will see this does not work.

    So this is a problem with Relevanssi + WooCommerce (fortunately S&F is not caught in the middle of this!)

    However, there appears to be a solution to this in the Relevanssi docs:

    I have previously tried this on my test site and then it all seemed to work OK, after I rebuilt the Relevanssi index.


    Thanks for your response! It is now searching SKUs. 🙂


    At the base of our website it is coming up with the below:
    inside elementor control, the ID = 463 Array ( [tab] => content ) posts ElementorPro\Modules\Posts\Widgets\Posts Object ( [query:protected] => [_has_template_content:protected] => [children:Elementor\Element_Base:private] => [render_attributes:Elementor\Element_Base:private] => Array ( ) [default_args:Elementor\Element_Base:private] => Array ( ) [is_type_instance:Elementor\Element_Base:private] => [depended_scripts:Elementor\Element_Base:private] => Array ( ) [depended_styles:Elementor\Element_Base:private] => Array ( ) [id:Elementor\Controls_Stack:private] => 871d93d [active_settings:Elementor\Controls_Stack:private] => [parsed_active_settings:Elementor\Controls_Stack:private] => [parsed_dynamic_settings:Elementor\Controls_Stack:private] => [data:Elementor\Controls_Stack:private] => Array ( [id] => 871d93d [settings] => Array ( [classic_thumbnail_size_size] => medium_large [classic_item_ratio] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 0.71 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) [classic_item_ratio_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 0.89 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) [classic_show_excerpt] => [classic_meta_data] => Array ( ) [classic_meta_separator] => /// [classic_read_more_text] => Read More [cards_meta_separator] => • [cards_read_more_text] => Read More » [full_content_meta_separator] => /// [posts_exclude] => Array ( [0] => manual_selection ) [posts_exclude_ids] => Array ( [0] => 23127 [1] => 20949 [2] => 15252 [3] => 13567 ) [classic_alignment] => center [classic_title_color] => #FFFFFF [classic_title_typography_typography] => custom [classic_read_more_color] => #FF6633 [classic_read_more_typography_typography] => custom [classic_read_more_typography_font_weight] => 800 [pagination_page_limit] => 5 [pagination_prev_label] => « Previous [pagination_next_label] => Next » ) [elements] => Array ( ) [isInner] => [widgetType] => posts [elType] => widget ) [config:Elementor\Controls_Stack:private] => [current_section:Elementor\Controls_Stack:private] => Array ( [tab] => content [section] => section_query ) [current_tab:Elementor\Controls_Stack:private] => [current_popover:Elementor\Controls_Stack:private] => [injection_point:Elementor\Controls_Stack:private] => [settings_sanitized:Elementor\Controls_Stack:private] => [settings:Elementor\Core\Base\Base_Object:private] => )

    When I deactivate Search & Filter – Elementor Extension it goes away however I need this plugin as we use Elementor. Do you know how this can be fixed?

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