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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Single Page Pagination

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  • tyrone

    I have the search and results in an include and when I am on a single post the pagination does not run. But if I click the range slider the previous and next pagination appears but not on page load.

    Any advice or forum feed would be great!

    Ross Moderator

    Do you have a link?

    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator

    Hi Tyrone

    It seems like something in a plugin or theme is interfering with the pagination.

    WP has several hook which can be used to modify the html of the actual pagination, which I think is happenign on your setup.

    Probably there is a check and if is_single() is true then something is removing the pagination.

    When an ajax request is performed is_single will be false which might be why you are seeing this.

    I would try changing your theme, and disabling your plugins to find the cause.

    Alternatively, you could try to create your pagination in another way, something where this other plugin or theme won’t modify the pagination – perhaps you can try this – – The S&F results template has some sample code for this plugin.


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