Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Simple S&F with ACF

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  • Anonymous


    Just start my site with some simple data using ACF. I just want to have a simple S&F page to track my post through custom fields (similar to your Demo on Movie Reviews).

    I create a search form, display results as Shortcode and put the code in a post. It does not work well.

    Could you help me to set the form. I just want it works like the Demo.

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    While the appearance is not good, I edited the post you made this in (adding the results shortcode) and made some changes to the form, the most important of which was to enter the results URL and change the results container.

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    These are custom fields, and you want to search using the text search box? The default functionality of the S&F text search box is to search only in The Post Title and Post Content. Not any Taxonomy or Custom Fields. This reflects what WordPress does.

    If you want to use free Relevanssi plugin’s search engine and cache instead of the standard WordPress textual search engine, then Relevanssi has settings that allow this. You have to enable searching of the specific taxonomy(ies) and/or the custom field(s) in Relevanssi’s settings and then build the Relevanssi cache. You have to tell S&F to use Relevanssi in the S&F form’s advanced settings. See our guide here:

    You may (some users say it works, some say not) also try the free WP Extended Search plugin to do much the same, but no special support is needed in S&F for this plugin, AFAIK.


    As to CSS, this varies considerably according to your theme. Some themes have a place to enter Custom CSS, some let you do this in the Customizer, and for some you need to manually add it using code in the child theme functions.php file, or to use a plugin. So, you might be able to go to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS* and add the CSS, OR
    you could install the Simple Custom CSS plugin and go to Appearance > Custom CSS instead.


    Thanks a lot for the prompt response, Trevor. I will check up Relevanssi.


    Hellow Trevor,

    Just realised that the Filter result react funny after clicking on a check box. I think it conflict to another plugin Visual Composer.

    Are you aware of it?
    Do you know how to fix that issue?




    Visual Composer uses javascript to turn shortcodes into content. This doesn’t seem to be working right after (maybe) an Ajax refresh. Try making manual (readable) Excerpts for the posts and see what happens.


    I installed Relevanssi and built the index but it did not work with ACF. It should have replaced the default Search straight away.
    Is there any trick of using this plug-in?

    When I deactivated it and embedded the code from , it worked nicely. Unfortunately the default Search works with ACF but not the Search form you provide.

    Is there any chance I can “clone” the WP Search to the S&F search form?


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