Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro show search results in elementor grid

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  • Trevor

    I have set this for you, so empty categories should now disappear:

    I see you have Ajax set to OFF. Any ‘No Results’ messages would come from Elementor, but I am not aware if it has any? If Ajax was on, then, as far as I am aware, elementor has no way to handle no results.

    Having Hide Empty ON will reduce the chances of that happening.


    Ok, categories sorted. But what if I search by name lets say TEST, there is no message as well/


    Indeed, that is an issue with Elementor, which I can’t fix. Their code does not handle no results. Our plugin does not control this part of the process.


    Do you have some workaround? Thanks


    I am sorry, we do not. Other users have asked Elementor, but have not reported any solution.

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