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Viewing 10 posts - 11 through 20 (of 20 total)
  • Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Marcel Westerhoff
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Marcel Westerhoff
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    Could you try it now?

    Trevor Moderator

    I made a few more changes. You had sticky posts always showing. I changed the fields to comboboxes with the Select2 script. You do not have many posts, nor many categories or tags, etc. You really should have Hide Empty ‘ON’ in each field to remove zero count items.

    Marcel Westerhoff

    I can see it’s working. But I rather have checkboxes instead of a drop down. I will have many posts with many categories etc. in the future.

    Trevor Moderator

    The issue with checkboxes is that the list will get very long. Also, your theme adds a lot of space between each item. Lastly, long names cause problems. I have changed it to multi select (uses OR) checkboxes. It needs titles adding.

    Marcel Westerhoff

    You are absolutely right. It needs styling but I’ll work on that. The way it functions right now is perfect so thank you for your help!

    Trevor Moderator

    I have seen one site who added a scrollbar (jquery scrollbar) to the checkboxes. I will close this for now then.

Viewing 10 posts - 11 through 20 (of 20 total)

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