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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Show all sticky posts first with infinite scroll

Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • Damon Tribble

    Take a look at this page.

    I have 7 sticky posts in this post type. You can find them in the HTML with class=”resource-block featured”. When I first load the URL above, only 3 of the sticky posts appear in the first set of results (I wrap them in a carousel using jQuery). As I scroll, the other sticky posts appear(they will be 50% wide. I then move them to the top with jQuery.

    Why aren’t my sticky posts ALL appearing first before all non-sticky posts? I tried deliberately setting ignore_sticky_posts to false using sf_edit_query_args but this made no difference.

    Thanks for any help you can offer.

    Trevor Moderator

    Before we dig any further in to any issues raised, the first thing to do, before we try anything else, is to see if your hosting (WP Engine) is the issue (I do not think that it is, but best to make sure).

    There is a setting to override a ‘feature’ of WP Engine hosting, that truncates long SQL queries (which ours are). Edit the site wp-config.php file and add this at the top, after line 1 (on a new line 2):

    define('WPE_GOVERNOR', false);

    PLEASE DO NOT COPY code from the email you receive for this reply, as email systems sometimes alter the quote marks and encode some characters; instead copy it from the actual forum page.

    (also see here for another related support note about this –

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