Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro shortcodes [search and filter] and [post grid] not working on webpage

  • This topic has 17 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Ross.
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  • Ross Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.

    I don’t understand. what your diagnosis is? I already discovered [post grid] shortcode was causing the issue. Now, what can I do about it? How do I resolve this issue? What direction are you pointing me? Please be clear in providing instructions or more details. Thanks


    Also, did you look in to post grid free version and premium version as Trevor suggested in earlier message. Please clarify.

    Trevor wrote: “This might be the issue (as the Premium version is different to the free version, for which we did the integration guide), and I will then need to forward it to our developer, Ross, for his attention.”

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Theo

    What I’m saying is, that page won’t load regardless of whether S&F is installed on your site.

    So this is not a S&F issue at all. By disabling S&F, we know it has nothing to do with the page load problem.

    My recommendation is to follow up with the post grid author, as to why adding their shortcode to that page, causes it crash. Keep S&F disabled while you do this, so that it does not interfere or confuse the situation.

    What Trevor mentioned before, was a reference to a specific bug with pagination that post grid premium has at the moment, however this seems to be unrelated to the issues you are experiencing.



    Thank you for your quick response. I appreciate your reply. I understand now and have already sent the Post Grid author a email regarding this issue. I will leave double brackets around search and filter shortcode and keep the S&F plugin disabled so they can see the issue is coming from post grid shortcode. Good suggestion.

    Also, do I need the plugin ‘Search & Filter Pro – WP Bakery Page Builder’? Currently, it is not installed on this webpage but on my other website that this working properly, this plugin is installed. Please advise.

    Ross Moderator

    The WP Bakery Page Builder addon plugin means you can use S&F with the Page Builder elements:

    Post Masonry Grid and Post Grid.

    This won’t affect what you are experiencing as you are not using these.



    ok thanks.

    The Post Grid plugin author is asking for debug error report:

    Can you please enable debug and debug log, and then regenerate the error and check the debug file, let me know if you found any issue with our plugin,

    define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true );
    define( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true );

    How should I respond?
    Also, where can I locate my host error logs that you recommend I check in previous message?

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Theo

    Regarding the hosting logs, this can vary from host to host. Your best bet is probably to contact them directly, and ask what errors are being logged when you access this page – then pass that information on to the folk over at post grid.

    Regarding the rest, I’m afraid this is out of scope of support of S&F. The issue you are trying to resolve has nothing to do with our plugin, so you will need deal directly with them on this – once its resolved we can resume the conversation of integrating the 2 together.


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