Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Shortcode taxonomies and search input

  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 6 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • Anonymous

    I made a custom search form with a custom taxonomy and a search input for a custom post type.
    I put it on a custom template both shortcodes and it show what they sould show.
    The main problem is that the taxonomy filter doesn’t show results if i don’t search by name. For example: I havae 2 recipts, one for category fishes and the other one for meat category, the filter shows me that both categories has 1 product each one, if I select one of it ajax reload results but doesn’t show anything. But if I search the recipt name, it shows correctly. And it happens the same if i select “Show all”.

    The search form is made by radio buttons for the taxonomies and a search input.


    Problem resolved, I made a mistake not redirecting to the correct custom tempalte, I have multiple search forms.

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