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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Shortcode results and pagination fails with different languages

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  • Jose David Moliner

    Hi Ross,

    I have a form with display results using a shortcode. I’m using WP Globus as multilingual plugin and I have two languages: spanish and english

    The pagination url in englsih should be: http://web/en/type/?sf_paged=2
    But I get: http://web/type/?sf_paged=2

    I have found that if “Results URL” is empty the pagination works fine.


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Jose

    We don’t officially support that language plugin (only PolyLang and WPML) – however I think I have recently added a filter to modify the Results URL dynamically, which is probably what you are after!

    Let me have a look around and I’ll get back to you.


    Jose David Moliner

    Thanks Ross, I hope to hear from

    Ross Moderator

    Just sent you an update.


    Jose David Moliner
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator

    Hi Jose

    Sorry thought I’d sent it but hadn’t.

    I’ve just released S&F 2.1.2 which has these filters implemented, I’ve just done a little write up too:


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