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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Shortcode Results Ajax

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  • Guy Hoogewerf

    So unfortunately I’ve been forced to use the shortcode based results container, as the archive/template method left incorrect canonicals, active links, meta descriptions etc that were uneditable and just terrible for SEO.

    Anyway Im currently using your default template, although I plan to customise it. Despite Ajax being enabled the pagination still appears sometimes, and/or it copies the results count etc.

    Whats odd is the plugin seems to keep using results.php not results-infinite-scroll.php because of this I have overidden results.php with the original contents of results-infinite-scroll.php, but this obviously shouldnt be necessary. Doing this stopped the pagination from appearing randomly, but the count is still duplicated.

    I’ve tried specifying the results list and result container (.search-filter-results-list .search-filter-result-item) however this stops AJAX from operating completely.

    Am I missing something?

    Trevor Moderator
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