Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Shortcode for filter display

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  • Anonymous

    Hi, on front-end, im looking to move my filters and sort by options into a collapsable menu for mobile use.

    I am using elementor and can create collapsable menus with accordion and toggle, however, i am unable to place the search and filter pro widget inside these menus, as they only accept text or images.

    I am trying to think a way around this and was wondering if there is a shortcode that displays the filters ?

    This way i could paste the shortcode as text into the collapsable menu and have it display the filters on opening ?


    If you have Elementor Pro, it has a pop up button widget, which is how I would do it. Our Elementor Pro integration extension plugin works with that pop up button.


    works excellently thanks


    Thanks for getting back to me. I will close this thread for now.

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