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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro S&FP custom query with ACF field

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  • Stijn De Witte


    We have set-up a custom query with an ACF relationship field.

    This works without S&FP.

    When we add 'search_filter_id' => 4356, to the WP Query, suddenly all posts are shown and not only the ones we defined in our WP_Query. (when we comment it out, it works)

    Below the full code

            // Get account linked to logged in user
    	$account = get_field( 'field_5c3a01aa0a32e', 'user_' . get_current_user_id() );
    	// Get lassers from that account: returns array of ID's
    	$lassers = get_field( 'field_5c3a0bb483f86', $account[0]->ID );
    	// args Query
    	$args = array(
    		'post_type'      => 'lasser',
    		'posts_per_page' => -1,
    		'post_status'    => 'publish',
    		'order'          => 'ASC',
    		'search_filter_id' => 4356,
    		'post__in'       => $lassers,

    We also tried the filter sf_edit_query_args but that doesn’t work either.

    Any idea why the above isn’t working/

    Trevor Moderator

    With regard to post__in, I am sorry, but you cannot update (in the filter sf_edit_query_args) that variable, and if used in $args, it is overwritten by our argument, because (after that filter is run) S&F does all the calculations from the cache, and replaces the post__in variable completely.

    Stijn De Witte

    Hi Trevor,

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Can we work with meta_key and meta_value?

    Trevor Moderator

    Pretty much any other variable you can work with.

    As a thought. Our plugin does it’s stuff and then sends a simple list of IDs to the database to get the posts. You must be able to get that list and then compare the arrays and the run your own query?

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