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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro SF speed of loading results


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  • JAn Brokes

    Hello I use your great plugin for many sites (i have developer licence). But i facing these limits
    for example here
    i am trying to filter 12300 posts but it takes lot of time to load results and i am planing to filter about 100 000 posts.
    Is there any trick how to make it faster? would be helpful cahce plugin like WC super cache?

    I also tried (on other page – there is about 80000 posts) split posts to custom post type, but it did not help (cause in database all cuspom post types are post)

    thanks for any suggestion

    PS: it would be great to be able add some text or html blok among search and filter options in sidebar

    Trevor Moderator

    When I visit the page and do a search, it seems quite fast for me? It is a fact that the more posts you have, the more fields and different field options, and whether you have auto count on or off (on makes it slower) will all be factors.

    We are constantly looking for ways to make it faster, and more improvements to come in V3.

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