Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro S&F Pro + Elementor Pro + WooCommerce Custom Product Archive Support

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  • Anonymous

    I’ve created a custom product archive for WooCommerce via Elementor pro. I’ve followed the instructions step-by-step, however I’m having issues getting things to display correctly. The filter check boxes from S&F pro are displaying correctly, however, none of my products are showing or filtering were my Archive Products template has been place. When I remove the S&F shortcode they appear, but obviously without the filtering.

    Any help would be much appreciated. Here’s a link to the web page

    Thank you!


    It all like it is setup OK. Did you use the Elementor Archive builder or a Post grid element?


    Hey Trevor,

    Thanks for getting back to me. I built the page using the Elementor Product Archive builder and am using the “Archive Products” widget within the builder.


    We have now closed for the day, but can you take a look at Ross’s post on this thread:


    Thanks for the info Trevor! I was able to get everything showing. I had to set my Elementor archive template display condition to “Shop” instead of category to get it to show correctly.

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