Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro SF Pro doesn't work

  • This topic has 65 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Anonymous.
Viewing 10 posts - 31 through 40 (of 66 total)
  • Anonymous

    ok now Child theme is activate,
    An I have applicate your recommandation on line 30-31“‘search_filter_id’ => 347541”

    this is my line Lines 256-351 of page-tpl_search.php

    <div class="filter-wrap"
                                     style="<?php echo wp_is_mobile() ? esc_attr( 'display: none;' ) : esc_attr( 'display: block' ); ?>">
                                    <div class="white-block-content">
                                        <h3><?php _e( 'Recherche:', 'compare' ); ?></h3>
                                        <div class="search-input">

    where can i find do_shortcode function ?


    If you do the modification to work it,
    how much do you ask me?

    <div class="filter-wrap" style="<?php echo wp_is_mobile() ? esc_attr( 'display: none;' ) : esc_attr( 'display: block' ); ?>">
    <?php echo do_shortcode('[searchandfilter id="347541"]');?>

    The clip you showed me is just the start of the block (it is nearly 100 lines long) to be removed. Make sure you download that file to your computer using ftp, edit it as told, and upload it to the child theme folder, NOT the original theme folder.

    It is ALWAYS advised to make a full site (files and database) backup BEFORE making changes. There are WordPress plugins that can help you do these backups.


    ok so I delete all line starting on 256-351 on my file and

    and replace by this code :

    & lt; div class = & quot; filter-wrap & quot; style = & quot; & php echo wp_is_mobile ()? esc_attr ('display: none;'): esc_attr ('display: block'); ? & gt; & quot; & gt;
    & lt;? php echo do_shortcode ('[searchandfilter id = "347541"]');? & gt;
    & lt; / div & gt;

    and after i add my page-tpl_search.php in child theme folder ?

    Is it correct ?


    That code is wrong. Do NOT copy from the email, as some characters are replaced by your email software. Come to the forum to copy the code from here, then it will be correct.

    Otherwise, you have it correct.


    excatly … SORRY … I’m working on another work in same time…

    SO It’s ok just last thing :
    Why when I search a name of product for exemple ” SPEEDCROSS 5″ + Tag I’ve got Only tag results


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    ok thanks !

    This reply has been marked as private.

    ok thanks a lot

    if you need ftp acces tell me

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