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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro S&F Pro does not work when Visual Composer is activated.

Viewing 5 posts - 21 through 25 (of 25 total)
  • Trevor Moderator

    I believe our devs are working on this and they will let me know what they find. If a bug fix is needed (I am not sure what the issue is right now) then hopefully it will be in the release that is due today/tomorrow (or as soon as it is ready).

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Maxime

    I figured out the issue – I’ll try to explain..

    This page is currently working ok, with visual composer disabled:

    Notice the first search result “recherche”, it is a result of the current page, and underneath (the_excerpt) there is a blank space…

    Now when you enable visual composer this page no longer works…

    When using a shortcode, the display of results is defined by the template in the S&f folder – templates/results.php..

    Commenting out the_excerpt makes this page work again, with S&F and visual composer enabled 🙂

    So… I tracked down the issue, it seems when visual composer is disabled, the_excerpt does not run shortcodes inside, when visual composer is enabled it actually executes shortcodes inside the_excerpt

    The problem is with the first result – “recherche” – because it is the S&F results page, and if it executes the result shortcode in the_excerpt, then you have an endless loop…

    One way to get around this is to exclude the page with your search results, from the search results… To do this, in S&F, go to the posts tab, and where its says “exclude post ids”, simply put in a 6, this mean S&F and visual composer in this instance will have no issues.


    Maxime GIRAUD

    Ross Hello and thank you for your explanation!
    I actually tested and it works well.
    If I understand correctly, each Visual Composer users should experience this problem.
    Anyway, the workaround works very well and I’m satisfied.
    Thanks to you two.
    Have a good day.

    Trevor Moderator

    Can I close this thread now and mark it resolved?

    Maxime GIRAUD

    Absolutely 🙂

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