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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro S&F Pro does not work when Visual Composer is activated.

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  • Trevor Moderator

    Do you know what the server/site PHP variable memory_limit is set to?
    Is WP set at its default of 40MB memory limit?

    An (old) plugin called System Snapshot Report will tell you both. Our ‘Status’ option should, but I think it has a bug and mis-labels this variable.

    Maxime GIRAUD

    I installed the plugin, here is the result:

    ## Begin System Info ###
    Multisite:				No
    WP Version:				4.6.1
    Permalink:				/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/
    Cur Theme:				Twenty Fourteen 1.8
    Post Types:				post, page, attachment, revision, nav_menu_item, vc_grid_item, search-filter-widget
    Post Stati:				publish, future, draft, pending, private, trash, auto-draft, inherit
    User Count:				2
    WP_DEBUG:				Disabled
    <strong>WP Memory Limit:			128MB</strong>
    Table Prefix:				fpe_
    Prefix Length:				Acceptable (4 characters)
    Show On Front:				posts
    Page On Front:				n/a
    Page For Posts:				n/a
    	** BROWSER DATA **
    Platform:				Windows
    Browser Name				Chrome
    Browser Version:			53.0.2785.116
    Browser User Agent:			Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.116 Safari/537.36
    	** SERVER DATA **
    jQuery Version				1.12.4
    PHP Version:				5.6.23
    MySQL Version:				
    Server Software:			Apache
    Safe Mode:				No
    Memory Limit:				512M
    Upload Max:				64M
    Post Max:				64M
    Time Limit:				300
    Max Input Vars:				16000
    Display Errors:				Off
    Sessions:				Disabled
    Session Name:				PHPSESSID
    Cookie Path:				/
    Save Path:				/tmp
    Use Cookies:				On
    Use Only Cookies:			On
    FSOCKOPEN:				Your server supports fsockopen.
    cURL:					Your server supports cURL.
    SOAP Client:				Your server has the SOAP Client enabled.
    SUHOSIN:				Your server does not have SUHOSIN installed.
    OpenSSL:				Your server has OpenSSL installed.
    Active Plugins: (3)
    	- Search & Filter Pro 2.2.0
    	- System Snapshot Report 1.0.1
    	- WPBakery Visual Composer 4.12.1
    Inactive Plugins: (2)
    	- Akismet 3.2
    	- Hello Dolly 1.6
    ### End System Info ###
    Trevor Moderator

    I believe that this is a server configuration issue. That is what the error message I receive when I visit the search page:

    The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    Something is either wrong in the Apache .htaccess rules or in the server settings. I have seen this recently once in another thread.

    Maxime GIRAUD

    Could you tell me what ares the prerequisites to the proper functioning of your plugin ?

    Trevor Moderator

    You have them.

    The trouble may be that your server is not correctly encoding some files when it sends them out to a browser.

    I have asked our developer to investigate this further, but it might be worth checking the error log files on your server and in WordPress to see if anything is obvious.

    Maxime GIRAUD

    Ok, I opened a ticket OVH.

    Maxime GIRAUD

    I had the OVH support by phone.
    The fact that it is a shared hosting it is not possible to change the configurations of Apache servers.
    They gave me a link lets you view the current configurations of the server:

    Can you take a look and check that the problem really comes from there?
    Thank you !

    Trevor Moderator

    OK. If you have noticed, I have been some time inside your admin investigating. This error only happens if the form is set to use shortcode. In turn, this suggests to me that the plugin installation is corrupt or has been edited.

    Is it possible for you to re-install the plugin? Make sure you download a fresh copy from your account area here. After doing this, you will need to remake the form, as when the plugin is removed from wp-admin, it deletes the forms.

    Maxime GIRAUD

    You are right, the fault only appears when using only happens if the form is set to use shortcode.

    I followed your directions. I deleted the pluggins, I downloaded a fresh copy from my account area.
    I remake the form but unfortunately I have the same problem: as soon as I turn on Visual Composer, my search page does not respond.

    Do not hesitate to make the number of required tests in the admin section. You can completely break the site it does not matter we are in a test environment.
    The goal is to find the rootcause of the problem, nothing important is hosted on that server or on the website. You have free access.

    Remaining at your disposal.

    Maxime GIRAUD

    So what do you suggest?
    have you checked the settings on my servers?

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