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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro SF Pro Ajax events stopped working with WordPress 5.5

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  • Jaakko Saarenketo

    Hi. I’m having the same problem. WordPress 5.5 broke SF-Pro ajax events.

    Here’s additional info. I’m using S&F Pro with “Display results method: Post type archive” and in my cpt archive php file I just use:
    echo do_shortcode(‘[searchandfilter id=”1234″]’);

    I really hope you find the problem and can release an update soon.


    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Jaakko Saarenketo

    I installed that but it didn’t make a difference.

    The sf-pro js file is loaded but it fails to create ajax events. I’m hoping good fortune for you in the search for the solution. 👍

    Jaakko Saarenketo

    I installed this plugin and the events started to work! Maybe this information helps you?

    Trevor Moderator

    Does that plugin give an error report? It usually does.

    Jaakko Saarenketo

    It doesn’t. Not in the WordPress dashboard nor the console of the page where SF Pro is.

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Jaakko Saarenketo
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    Using that link, I can see Ajax firing and the results being filtered. Can you describe what is not working?

    Jaakko Saarenketo

    I installed this plugin and the events started to work! Maybe this information helps you?

    Yes it works now since I activated this plugin. Without it, it doesn’t work.

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