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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro SF items not rendering evenly across columns – Post Grid with SF Pro not working

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  • Samuel Collins


    I am building an e-commerce site using a bigcommerce backend. The products that I am rendering on my category pages using SF Pro shortcodes are only rendering evenly across the 3 columns (as I have styled my Text Editor) when the number of products on the page is divisible by 3. I have tried using Post Grid as an alternative solution but I am having difficulty using it because I do not see where Post Grid is pulling the data from, it is evidently not from the results.php file.

    Thank you and let me know what you think


    Trevor Moderator

    With the exception of the Shortcode display results method, all other methods rely on the theme template, or 3rd party plugin code, to create the layout. As such, results.php is only used when you select the Shortcode display results method. This method gives you more control over the output, but does require you to be able to create the correct code.

    If SF Pro was not installed, what would you use to display the results as you want? Does the theme have its own archive pages that would do this for you?

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