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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro S&F Form Not Saving Added Options

Viewing 2 posts - 11 through 12 (of 12 total)
  • Ross Moderator

    Hey Michael

    Thanks for the update that is most useful and other users will most certainly benefit from it 🙂

    I’m looking to start the meta data sync stuff soon, so I’ll update you when I’ve got further with so you can test it out.

    I agree with your points above too, exclude should be an option if syncing as well as keeping the manual entry option for smaller lists.


    Michael Fellmeth

    Cool, Ross. Looking forward to testing out 2.0 in next few weeks on our Dev Server. Re meta data synching, here whenever I can be of help.


Viewing 2 posts - 11 through 12 (of 12 total)

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