Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro S&F displays no results from ACF Fields!

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  • Anonymous

    I have a problem with the combination of “Search & Filter” and “Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)”!

    Under ACF, I have created several custom fields for entering data.
    Then I created a search form (dropdown) with “Search & Filter”, with which I can search the individual fields.

    Based on my selection, S & F also filters the results correctly, but the individual contents (eg description,

    image, price, etc.) are not displayed in the results.

    Only the title which is not an ACF field will be displayed in the results.

    My question: How do I get the contents of the fields i created under ACF displayed with S&F?

    For info: S & F uses a shortcode, which I have to insert in the editor.


    The shortcode display results method (is that what you are using?) uses our exemplar template – results.php. The basic steps for customising the file are set here, but you would need to do the coding:

    The ACF documentation gives you how to get the data from their fields. This post shows an example results.php template file that gets ACF fields:


    Thanks a lot 🙂

    Maybe i should have say, that i am using the Elementor Pro und i am inserting the Shortcode

    [searchandfilter id=“86″ action=“filter_next_query“]

    Do You have a solution for this Way 🙂 ?

    With best regards


    No, because the results output is handled entirely by Elementor. You would need to ask them how to output an ACF field etc.


    The problem is simply that S & F on the results page, although the WordPress own taxonomies such as Title, post picture, etc. displays, but not the fields created under ACF.
    As for displaying the results under Elementor, this is a pure matter of the subsequent design.

    Therefore, I urgently need your help to display the taxonomies/fields of ACF.

    Unfortunately, I am not familiar with php programming, so a step-by-step guide would be most helpful!

    I really do not know who to ask anymore and hope for your help!

    Thank you for your efforts!


    You are asking about displaying the custom field and taxonomy values in the results and you are using the Elementor Posts widget?

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