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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro S&F and PODS: modifying results.php

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  • Juan Pablo Manson

    Hello, I am trying to use S&F to search and filter custom post types created using PODS.

    I have set up a test page at and S&F is able to display and filter results from the PODS CTP.

    I would like to modify the results.php template in order to display additional information for the results listed by S&F. At the moment S&F is displaying the CTP’s name and permalink (which is great), and I would like to also display other information for each post: additional simple fields (text fields), and custom taxonomies.

    Could you please point to documentation, examples, forum posts, or any resource you consider relevant to help me get started?

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    Trevor Moderator

    You would normally use the get_field() function to place a field term into a variable, and then test that it exists and output if it exists. There are many posts with examples, using this search:

    Juan Pablo Manson

    Thank you Trevor! This helps me move forward. We can close this ticket.

    Kind regards

    Trevor Moderator

    Thanks for getting back to me. I will close this thread for now.

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