Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro S&F – AE Pro Posts Blocks – custom query filter, query not filtering

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  • Anonymous


    I cannot get Search & Filter Pro (S&F) to work with Elementor Pro (Elem) and Anywhere Elementor Pro (AE).

    The steps I have took:
    * In Elem I’ve create a single page template and added an AE Posts Blocks widget to it. The conditions of the template are set to a specific page.
    * In S&F I’ve created a new form, set the post type to posts, set the display results method to custom, entered the correct results URL, checked Ajax, changed the Ajax container to “.ae-post-layout-list” (using a list instead of grid) and added the category widget to the search form UI.
    * The S&F shortcode I’ve added above the AE Posts Block widget, the addition to the shortcode ‘action=”filter_next_query”‘ was not working, so I created a custom query filter. I followed the steps explained by Elem and linked S&F to the query ( $query->set(“search_filter_id”, 123); ).

    Looking at the page I see all categories associated with my posts in a radio button format. I see all posts in the list view. Now when I make different selections I see “.ae-post-layout-list” becoming slightly white transparent for a moment, but nothing is filtering.

    So I asume S&F and the query are linked to each other, but something is going wrong.

    Hope you can help me.




    I resolved it myself.

    The explanation by Elem of the Custom Query Filter using the Query ID is a bit different from the explanation of the AE Posts Blocks Query Filter. Using theirs I managed to get it to work.

    function my_super_filter_function($query_args){
      $query_args['search_filter_id'] = 123;
      return $query_args;
    add_filter('my_super_filter', 'my_super_filter_function');

    Thanks for sharing, that is very useful. I will close this thread for now.

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