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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Settings doesnt save

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  • sebbur


    I have problem with the settings for my form. When i change the settings and then click “update” everything is according to the new settings on my site but when i go back to the form in the administration everything is back to default.

    In other words i have to adjust all the settings back every time i want to edit my form.

    Does anybody have a solution for this problem?

    Ross Moderator

    Hey sebbur

    Please try upgrading to to S&F 2.1 and let me know if the problem still exists – I fixed a similar problem to this.

    Also make sure to read the release notes first:



    Hey Ross!

    Unofrtunately the upgrade didnt help 🙁

    Do you need any other information?

    Ross Moderator

    Hmmm, login details would be good in that case but before sending anything did you try to recreate the Search form from scratch?

    Do you see any JS errors, or PHP errors?



    I tried creating a new one but the same thing happens there. Nope, no JS- or PHP-errors.


    Ross Moderator

    Can you provide login details so I can take look – sounds very strange… :/

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    Ross Moderator
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    Ross Moderator

    Hey again – glad its working now 😀

    I just had some feedback from another user which I think could have been related to your issue:

    I think it could have been the max_input_vars setting – anyway – glad its working now! 😀


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