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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Settings & Default / Post (wrong default order)

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  • François Nantel

    Hi, I got my default order option like this.
    Meta value / ascending
    Meta key : imic_event_start_dt / numerical

    I had rebuilt the cache but not resolve my problem,
    It almost work fine for the result but I got some result (around 5 on 65) that don’t follow the date order.

    Meta key : imic_event_start_dt
    Meta value : 20160711

    Can you find why it’s happen?

    François Nantel
    This reply has been marked as private.
    François Nantel
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    Trevor Moderator

    I am looking now. The first mistake I could see was that Maintain Search Form State was ON. I have switched it off now, unless you must have it on?

    As you will be familiar with the events, is it possible that this is happening on dates that have ambiguous month and date combinations?

    E.g 20170411 could be 4 November 2017 or 11 April 2017, but 20172511 can only be 25 November 2017?

    François Nantel

    Ok good I will check if it’s all good with Maintain Search Form State OFF.

    For the date, they come from a datepicker from the back-end, so they’re all same format.
    So, 20170511 = 5 may 2017

    Trevor Moderator

    Ah, but what I asked was YOU know which ones are in the wrong order. For the dates of THESE wrong ones, are they dates that could be misread? I ask because I have seen this before.

    François Nantel
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    In the Post Edit windows, I see the field lable Date de début de l'événement. It is this one, yes? This is made not by ACF but by the event software. Despite the date I see there in the field entry (for example 20170511 for 50 ans au Patriote), I wonder if this is saved in ACF format in the database? Do you have control over this?

    François Nantel

    label Date de début de l'événement:
    Yes it’s this one.

    I had to adjust it before to fit with your search date range.
    the format is YYYYMMDD

    Trevor Moderator

    How did you adjust it? I wonder. Have you looked in the database to see what is stored in there. If it is a date/time mysql field, it could well be back in the wrong format. I think ACF cheats and actually uses a text field.

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