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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Set up two search forms the same way – one is not working

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  • Lisa Caras

    I’ve set up two different search forms with the same parameters except for the post type to search and display URL and container. This page seems to work fine:

    Search for “Gold” for a good example.

    On this page:

    if you search for anything (try “AWS” or “video”), you seem to get the full list of all posts in the site ordered by date. Any search gives the same results.

    Trevor Moderator
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    Lisa Caras
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    Trevor Moderator

    I have changed the Ajax Container setting in the form setup. Does it now work correctly for you?

    Lisa Caras
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    The issue will be with integrating to the Elementor content block. What is the difference in this regard between the two pages? Do they use different elements and/or settings?

    Lisa Caras

    The only difference I can see is that the page that is not working has that sticky posts block physically between the search block and the posts block that we want to search. That is why I added an ID to the posts block that we want to search so we can target it for the results.

    Both pages are using the Elementor Post Extras widget.

    Trevor Moderator

    Ah. OK.

    Try this then.

    The shortcode that ends in action="filter_next_query" add another parameter:

    action="filter_next_query" skip="1"

    Lisa Caras

    This is the code I end up with. Maybe I didnt’ understand your instructions:

    [searchandfilter id=”3697″]
    [searchandfilter id=”3697″ action=”filter_next_query” skip=”1″]

    This code seems to add all the posts to the wrong posts extra widget — the one that is set up to show just the sticky posts. I still have the Display Ajax Container set to the ID for the second posts extra widget — the one I want to search. The second widget is still not showing search results.

    I can’t leave the page set this way, so I’ve moved it to staging:

    same login info.

    You can see that it takes a really long time to load the page as all the posts are loaded into that first widget that is intended for the 6 sticky posts.

    Thanks for your help.

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
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