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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Set Default Radio box checked to different category

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  • Ross Moderator

    Ok, so what we did was simply update form field “defaults” but we didn’t update the query as well.

    So what we need to do is, under the same conditions, restrict the query to that taxonomy term:

    function filter_query_categories( $query_args, $sfid ) {
    	//if search form ID = 252649, the do something with this query
    		//if the marketplace taxonomy is not already in use / selected
    			//modify $query_args here before returning it
    			$query_args['tax_query'] = array(
    				'relation' => 'AND',
    					'taxonomy' => 'marketplace',
    					'field'    => 'slug',
    					'terms'    => array("best-wordpress-app-themes") //restrict it
    	return $query_args;
    add_filter( 'sf_edit_query_args', 'filter_query_categories', 20, 2 );

    That should just about do it.

    Let me know how you get on.


Viewing 11 post (of 11 total)

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