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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Separate Sub Categories

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • daniel gough

    (I have already searched the forum but can’t find the relevant answer).

    Hey there,

    I’m just trying to replicate what you’ve done in your Movie Reviews example but with clubs. (

    I have set up categories & sub categories, example:

    – Bangkok
    – London
    – Rome

    Venue Type
    – Club
    – Bar

    – Dancer
    – Singer

    Each post is then assigned the relevant categories. However, right now, the parent categories are showing as tickable (rather than as plain text).

    How are you achieving this on the movie example? I’m massively confused!

    Thanks in advance.

    Trevor Moderator

    On our movies example, there are no parent/child categories? Or do you see them like that on our demo?

    Looking at what you say above, you should have three separate taxonomies, so that each has its own field to select options from.

    daniel gough

    I’m just trying to interpret how you define “genres” or “oscars won” without using parent/child categories?

    I’m not familiar with taxonomies (assuming that’s what you are using for the movies demo)?

    Trevor Moderator

    That is exactly how it is done. I can show you on Skype if you want.

    daniel gough
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    Trevor Moderator
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Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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