Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Separate Filters

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  • Anonymous

    Is it possible to split the search filters for tags or categories like so:

    Clothing <– Section Title
    – Leggings
    – Sweater
    – Shorts
    – Boots
    – Gloves

    Color <– Section Title
    – Red
    – Blue
    – Green
    – Yellow

    Essentially they are all tags or categories, but just wondering if aesthetically i can separate them by multiple different criterias.

    Right now the only way i found i can do this is to exclude all colors IDs from clothing search and vice verca, but that’s a very dirty / lengthy process. It will be long if my lists is much bigger..

    I find instead of only having “Exclude IDs” in the advanced search option under “Search Form UI”, we should also have “Include IDs”. So this you can specify exactly what tags or categories to display per criteria.

    Let me know, thank you


    They would need to be separate taxonomies instead, please see this post:


    Amazing Trevor!
    Exactly what I needed.



    Thanks for getting back to me. I will close this thread for now.

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