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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Separate Dropdowns for Minimum and Maximum Values for Taxonomy

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  • Joel Eade

    Hi there,

    My client’s trying to emulate the search filters on this website: Is is possible to set a range (min/max) of values for the same taxonomy e.g. bedrooms, prices etc?

    Thanks in advance,


    Trevor Moderator


    Make sure that the Post Meta is set the to Number tab.
    Make the Input Type Range - Dropdown
    Make the Display input From/To Fields

    and that should work.

    Joel Eade

    Genius! I didn’t think to use Post Meta. Thank you so much 🙂

    Trevor Moderator

    Use something like ACF to make the custom fields. Things like number of bedrooms should not be taxonomies. Can I close this thread?

    Joel Eade

    Oh, ok. Will do. Yes, please close this one off. Cheers!

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

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