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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro SEO Issues of paginated Woocommerce product pages

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  • Aimee Engelmann


    I’m having problems with woocommerce shop pagination links.

    I have over 2000 error 400 links and I think that is because the plugin appending something like this
    ?sf_paged=4 to the shop page.

    If you go to the shop and click on a page and then click on a product you will encounter something like this url format

    And they are detected as error 400.

    Do you have a solution for this?


    Trevor Moderator

    Do you have Maintain Search Form State ON in the General Settings tab settings? If so, switch it off.

    Aimee Engelmann

    Hi Trevor,

    Thank you for this. I didn’t realise that setting will modify permalinks. I have switched that off now and I’ll make a crawl of the site and see if that removes the error 400.


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