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Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Benoit

    Witch plugin or url rewriting tool will you recommend with Search & Filter ?

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Benoit

    For what purpose?




    I just would like to rewrite Url genereted by the “search & filter” plugin and to show it as clean as possible,

    in that way, i would like to avoid the _sft_ prefix, and put the url in a better way …

    if you recommend a tool, you’re welcome
    if not, i will try myself,

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Benoit,

    I see what you mean, I haven’t tried any so can’t recommend.

    Let me know if you get it working as its something I would like to add to the plugin in the future 🙂


Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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