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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Select 2 Taxonomies at once

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  • Warren O’Donoghue

    Hi Trevor, hope you’re well today!

    Is it possible to select 2 taxonomies at the same time?

    The link below is on **Ex Display** and I want to combine this with **German Kitchens**.

    However I am unable to choose a taxonomy from the top row and the bottom row at the same time. I’m guessing this is because they are two separate fields in the dashboard.


    Please help!
    Many thanks

    Trevor Moderator

    You can use a taxonomy only once in the form, sorry. This video may help (made for a different user):

    That Hipster term seemed to have 12 posts, but in fact had none! Something wrong with my posts (too much of me playing on a development site).

    I apologize for the sound and presentational quality. It was early in my morning, so I was not fully awake!

    Warren O’Donoghue

    Hi Trevor, thanks very much for sharing the video.

    I think I’ll leave it as is for now. I wouldn’t want to mess with the product categories too much for fear of causing any SEO issues.

    Please go ahead and close this ticket.

    Many thanks

    Trevor Moderator

    Thanks for getting back to me. Keep an eye out for V3, as I think it will allow you to do what you want!

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