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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Searchtextfield // No Results Found

Viewing 10 posts - 21 through 30 (of 31 total)
  • Johannes Otto-Lübker

    reinstall relevanssi?

    Trevor Moderator

    I assume that it is the issue. It may be the settings in Relevanssi.

    Johannes Otto-Lübker

    i did reinstall relevanssi and it is still not working.
    again the Index is looking good.

    Could you please check the settings?

    As far as i can see, everything is ok!

    Trevor Moderator

    I looked at the relevanssi settings, but it is not in English 🙁

    How did you remove relevanssi? Did you use the WP deactivate and then delete and click the button to remove all the data? For some reason, I think it is not doing this. after deleting it, look in the database for these tables:


    If they are still there, you probably need to drop the wp_relevanssi_* tables.

    You can remove all the options from wp_options:

    delete from wp_options where option_name like 'relevanssi%' limit 100;

    But note that table names will be different if you are using a table name prefix.

    Johannes Otto-Lübker

    puuhh, that sounds scarry ^^
    How can i check that if i am using a table name prefix?

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Johannes

    If your english is OK, I can do it with you using video conference screen share using skype?

    Johannes Otto-Lübker
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    OK, from what we can see, something seems broken inside WordPress itself, as even a simple WordPress search fails to fetch the right results? I will leave this with you for now.

    Johannes Otto-Lübker

    thats not correct. if i deactivate the relevanssi setting in S&F settings, it shows the right results, based on the text and the header. But i need relevannsi to get the taxomony terms of my custom post type.

    This is where its making me trouble.

    I will contact the relevanssi admin and w´ll see if he can find any errors ore bugs.

Viewing 10 posts - 21 through 30 (of 31 total)

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