Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Searchresults are showing all posts


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  • Anonymous

    I use the shortcode [searchandfilter fields="search,category" types=",radio,radio" submit_label="Zoeken" search_placeholder="Type je zoekwoord(en)"]
    It shows a searchfield and radiobuttons for categories.
    When I enter a random word to search for, the resultpage show all the posts. Also the posts without the wordt ment to be searched for.

    It is a membersite, so not on a public URL.

    Hope someone can help me.


    I am having a similar issue.


    The shortcode you show is from the free version of Search & Filter, and not the Pro version. Which are you using?


    You are correct, I use the free version. I bought the Pro version for the support 🙂
    I didnt know the shortcode would be different, sorry.

    But it be would be great if you could help me.

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Thanks Trevor! I will call tomorrow and take a good looknat the time.


    Hello Trevor,
    I decided to give the Pro version a chance. Glad I did it. It works very well and I love the adjustments I can make for the resultpage.

    So no further support needed.


Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)