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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Searching Mulitple phrases

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  • dann hanks

    Hi, I have just setup a search filter for a client.

    I am using the text ‘search’ field, on the old search my client had installed they were able to put multiple phrases into their search field to bring up certain posts.


    Each post has a reference number.

    If I search for ‘2222’, the correct post shows as it has ‘2222’ in as the reference number.

    If I search for ‘2222, 2223’ with a comma to separate the 2 search terms, I get nothing, I have tried ‘2222& 2223’ but no luck.

    Is there a way to achieve what I am after?


    : )

    Trevor Moderator

    You would need to install and setup the free Relevanssi plugin, including building the Index, which allows you to specify terms to be either AND or OR. See our documentation:

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