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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro searching & filtering just in comments

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Hamid Yaramahmadi

    hi, I want to make a new page by search&filter pro plugin so when somebody search one text, this search be done just in comments part.

    Trevor Moderator


    You want to be able to just search the comments of posts? Not the title, content or anything else?

    And you want this to be done from a single textual search box, maybe on every page, or just some pages, or from one page only? Or is the search and results page the same, and just one page?

    Hamid Yaramahmadi

    thx. for reply.
    I need to search just in comments in all of the pages and posts.
    And the result have been shown just in one page.

    Trevor Moderator

    I do not know whether it would work, but Relevanssi has options that assist searching in comments, but not an option to search ONLY in comments.

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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