Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Searching by Location

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  • Anonymous

    Because our website is to help users find real estate of interest, one of the things we’d like to do is to allow users to search by zipcode and use a slider bar to determine the number of miles around the property they would like to search (IE – Within 50 miles).

    We’d like more details for how we might be able to accomplish this. Currently we have a zipcode text field for users to be able to enter in a zipcode, but we can’t find information for how to generate a search radius.

    We’ve registered for a google API, and all of the properties zipcodes are defined within a PODS custom field.

    Thank you!


    Geolocation is on our to do list for V3. I do not think it will arrive with v3.0, so it will not be any time soon, sorry.

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