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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro search&filter hades

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  • Tim Stevens

    I added some new posts today, tagged each post uniquely, and assigned to a single category that is excluded from my search&filter view, per the view settings. I’ve used this method for a couple years, it has worked perfectly. Today, I’ve encountered 3 issues that I cannot resolve:

    1) IF my new post has a single unique tag that is not explicitly included in my search&filter view settings AND the post is assigned to a single category that is explicitly excluded from my search&filter view – the unique tag appears in my list of filterable values on the search&filter view. Further, when I attempt to explicitly exclude the tag (my search&filter view settings), clear browser history and refresh, the tag continues to display in the list of filterable tags on the search&filter view. Interestingly, all of my previous posts (each has a single unique tag and assigned to one category that’s excluded in search&filter view settings) are working as expected, as they always have.

    2) When I explicitly exclude the tag ID, the tag continues to display in the filterable list of tags, on my search&filter view.

    3) Previously, when I selected a tag in my search&filter view, the list of categories were filtered according to the posts that matched. That doesn’t happen anymore, and I haven’t changed the setup of my view (no other admin users either)

    The plugin does not appear to function as it did before, but I’ll own the possibility that I’ve erred somewhere. What’s most perplexing to me, is how my search&filter views continue to work correctly (with the exception of issue 3, above) for my posts created 6+ months ago.

    Please help.

    Trevor Moderator
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    Tim Stevens
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Tim Stevens

    If you look at my “H&W Project Portfolio” search&filter on you will see the “testing” tag displayed in the list of “Projects” (left side of page). A single post has the “testing” tag, and that post is also assigned to the “Staff” category (id=104), which is excluded in the settings for the “H&W Project Portfolio” search&filter. None of the other posts assigned to the “Staff” category display on “H&W Project Portfolio” search&filter on, which is correct since they should be excluded, based on the “Staff” category – an example is the post, “Mike Haynes”, which is tagged “Mike Haynes”, and assigned to the “Staff” category.

    Trevor Moderator
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Tim Stevens

    It’s working now, Trevor. Thanks for fixing!

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