Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Searches do not appear relevant


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  • Anonymous

    I purchased this plugin to exclude the events category from searches for the Cancer Resource Center of the Finger Lakes. The site can be found at

    I am using the plugin on an Elementor site, and have also downloaded and used the extension created for Elementor.

    I created the Search results page, and made sure that the source and filter for the query are set to use the plugin. I have tested a number of settings within the search form, and for hours have not been able to get results that seem relevant to the searches that I’m doing.

    For example, searching for COVID would seem to have a result with a results page with COVID at the top. that is not the case. If search for Brain, I would expect brain cancer results to be at the top.

    I also tries installing and using Relevanssi to make the searches more relevant. But, that did not improve the results at all.

    I would really appreciate any support that you can provide. this is an important resource within the community and I want to make searching for information much easier for those who are already stressed out.

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    The form is in the header. 🙂



    That is not our search form.


    Hi Trevor!

    On this sample page, I have used the Elementor extension to create two search forms.

    And, I get an error when I try to do a search, and it says the page cannot be found.

    Thanks for your assistance!


    You can have only one search form on the page.

    We now have a free additional extension for Elementor Pro, which you should download (if you are logged in) from top of this guide page (which shows how it should be used with the product archives widget, see a little way down the page for specific extra advice when using the product archives widget):

    Please read and follow the guide carefully. The forms you have do not appear to have the Results URL completed?


    Hello Trevor,
    As I mentioned in the previous message on 9/24, I already downloaded and used the Elementor extension. I did not know that you could only have one search form per page. So, I’ve now removed the other search from the header and replaced it with the Elementor Search & Filter form. Again, it produces no result.

    I do not understand what you mean about a results URL because that is dependent on the search query that you make. For example, the URL that is generated after a search looks like this:

    BTW, I did read the documentation carefully before reaching out. It does not address the issues that I am experiencing.

    Thanks for your help,


    I had originally set up an elementor template to display search results. That did not work.

    I now created a page with the suggested shortcode in the plugin settings, and edited that setting. It still does not work.

    After trying both settings, I’m not sure what else to do.

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