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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Searched/filtered posts are unformatted

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  • Tim Stevens

    I’m using this plugin so that my clients “portfolio” (previous projects) can be searched and filtered (duh!). These previous projects are stored as individual posts. The problem I’m having is that the searched/filtered results are not formatted. Each original post is basically 3 lines as follows:

    project name: ….
    services provided:…

    But when the searched/filtered results are returned it looks like this:
    project name:… location:… services provided:…

    How do I get the search/filter results to simply render the posts as they are formatted? And I have the same question for searched/filtered pages, also.

    Also, surely someone else has asked this question. How do I search and filter support posts on designsandcode website?

    Gregory Ho

    I’m just a user (not Ross), but from

    If you wish to customise the display of your results, a template file is included in the Search & Filter folder.

    1) Create a folder in your theme folder called search-filter.

    2) Copy the file wp-content\plugins\search-filter\templates\results.php from the templates folder in to your newly created folder wp-content\themes\your-theme-name-\search-filter\results.php

    Search & Filter will now use this template to display your results 🙂

    I had to dig into php code to make it render the way I wanted it. I just found the template that renedered my posts originally, and replace the section in results.php with that one.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Tim (and thanks Gregory)

    Yeah you can control the formatting by using a custom template, if using a shortcode follow the steps above if not check the docs as you can still use a custom template

    Unfortunately our site needs a bit of upgrading, but the search widget for searching support can be found on this page:


    Tim Stevens

    Thank you Gregory and Russ. I created the new directory and copied the results.php file to the folder. Once I did that, I expected to find the new template file displayed in my WP control panel, under Search & Filter (such that I could edit in the UI), but I’m not seeing it. Do I have to edit the results.php file directly, in order to configure how my search/filter results are rendered on the page?


    Tim Stevens

    Actually, when I select to edit my search and filter form, I see a disabled region in the UI that appears to be where I would define the template filename for my form. But that region is disabled and I cannot define the template file name there. My form id=86. My template filepath is: wp-content\themes\responsive\search-filter\86.php. Any help is appreciated.


    Josh David

    I’m having the same issue as Tim. I have followed the above instructions and the “page template” area of the admin is disable. Any leads?


    Ross Moderator

    Hey both, any chance one of you can send me login details so I can take a look? (and give me precise steps to recreate?)


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